“Reach For The Gold” by Aizat Amir

Aizat Amir, Atmosphere 360 Restaurant

“Reach for The Gold” by Aizat Amir was one of the showcase to give acknowledgement by displaying pop artwork of the Malaysian icons. The Malaysian Series is also to express his love for our country and to these inspirational local icons that promotes national unity to the Malaysian people as we come together in support of them regardless of our race, religion, background.

Aizat was born in 1989 in Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia and graduated from Academy of Arts, Culture and National Heritage (ASWARA) with the certificate of Diploma of Fine Arts in 2013. In addition to engaging in activities exhibited, He also involved in theater and performing art, as a designer of sets and props. 

Here are the 12 inspirational Malaysians you should know(!) :

Tun. Dr. Mahathir – “Reach for The Gold” | Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Tun. Dr. Siti Hasmah – “Reach for The Gold” | Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Tony Fernandes – “Reach for The Gold” | Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Yuna – “Reach for The Gold” | Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Allahyarham Dato’ Sudirman – “Reach for The Gold” | Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
‘Pocket Rocket Man’ Azizul Hasni Awang – “Reach for The Gold”Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
‘Supermokh’ Allahyarham Dato’ Mokhtar Dahari – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
‘Malaysian Astronaut’ Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Datuk Lee Chong Wei – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Hi Sir! – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Seniman Agung – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)
Jimmy Choo – “Reach for The Gold” Acrylic on Canvas 122 x 122cm (2018)

The key to success in a country is with the support of its citizens. Everything about this showcase is to remind us Malaysians about our uniqueness and cultures as it is like a euphemism for achieving such greatness.

Mr. John Oh (Atmosphere 360 Revolving Restaurant – Sky Gallery Art Director) with Aizat Amir

There will be more paintings to be added to the Malaysian Series. Two of Aizat’s personal favorite paintings were Tun. Dr. Mahathir, because he has made history yet again for being the Malaysia’s Prime Minister twice and Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor for being Malaysia’s first astronaut.

“We are all Malaysians. This is the bond that unites us. Let us always remember that unity is our fundamental strength as a people and as a nation. – Tunku Abdul Rahman

To check out more of Aizat’s artwork, click here!


Terima kasih, Malaysia!

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Sen Kee Satay 仙记沙爹 at Desa Aman Puri


Sen Kee Satay has been operating since 1976 (42 years old) now along with Uncle Yap‘s daughter and grandson who’s currently the 3rd generation running the stall. It all started when Uncle Yap used to sell chicken and ducks at a local market.


He was also the poultry supplier for a satay stall opened by an Indonesian named Omar where he then discreetly learned how to make his own satay knowing this could help him during the economic bad phase.

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence!” – Abigail Adams


There weren’t many Chinese vendors who sells satay back in those days and oh, one skewer only cost 0.25 cents back then! But as there were getting more and more vendors popping about, Uncle Yap needs to come up with a unique selling point for his stall.


It sparks him when someone asked him “Why have you not thought of selling duck satay?” Though it was a rather hard protein to cope with, Uncle Yap didn’t gave up on trying different types of duck and marination to retain its moisture and getting rid of its gamey flavors.

Cucumbers & Onions Add-on (RM1.50)
Satay Sauce (RM11/500gm, RM22/kg)

Their peanut sauce wasn’t like the ones we often had topped with sambal. The peanuts were still carefully toasted by wok to give a touch of ‘wok hei’.

13-15 kgs of the sauce was prepared daily as he’d often get regulars (especially vegetarians) who’d just come for the sauce while having it with the sliced onions and cucumbers! Unfortunately they don’t offer ketupat rice cakes here.

Duck Satay (RM1.50/skewer)

Uncle Yap wasn’t jesting about how he was able to retain the moisture without even a tang of gameyness in the duck satay. It was absolutely pleasurable just having it by its own as well!

Chicken Satay (RM1/skewer)

Their chicken satay was pretty good and well marinated with just the right amount of char. Plain juicy lean meat without any chicken skin skewered in between.



Other than the Chicken & Duck Satay I’ve ordered, there’s Pork & Lamb Satay as well. Sorry, no beef.

Every night there would be at least 500 skewers sold but on the weekends it could go up to 1000 skewersYou’ve got to be there earlier to avoid the long wait.

Sen Kee Satay 仙记沙爹
Address: 8, Jalan Desa 2/2, Desa Aman Puri, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Opening Hours: 6:30PM-10:30PM (Closed on Mondays)
Contact: +60 12-812 6933


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Rasa Utara at Berjaya Times Square

The Northern fare Rasa Utara is celebrating its 34th year of business, and currently the outlet operating in Berjaya Times Square aims to serve the best of Northern inspired cuisines.

Ironic enough, throughout my studies in this building I’ve never thought of walking into this restaurant before as it was a little beyond the ‘student budget’ and most of my course mates would often prefer Western cuisines.

Spicy Chicken Chicken – RM18.80

The fried chicken was deep-fried to golden perfection and unbelievably juicy hot with crisp cracklingly flavorful skin though it wasn’t thickly coated with batter. This would go so well with a plate of Nasi Jagung.

Legendary Chicken Fried Chicken – RM18.80

If you love your food with some good amount of heat in it, this signature chicken dish with their homemade stir-fried chili paste will blow your mind. Though fried chicken was a little dry but you’ll find yourself reaching for spoons after spoons of their chili paste.

Spicy Acid Fish – RM18.80

Mouth-watering deliciousness, this spicy and tangy Malaysian fish dish that is sure to whet your appetite. I love the right amount of tang in the curry, making it so appetizing.

Dancing Fish – RM38.80

Rasa Utara’s signature dish, the fish was well marinated with herbs and spices then deep-fried to crisp perfection. Having the fish by itself without needing any condiments to enhance its flavors although it is to paired with their signature blend of caramilised sweet soy sauce and sambal ‘nuclear’ (hot sambal) for a full and flavourful taste.

Captain Squid Squid – RM25.80

Squid stuffed with minced chicken and potato, deep fried and served with their special Kapitan sauce. The squid texture was surprisingly wasn’t rubbery and the stuffings were simply delightful. Just having the batter on its own was addicting. Kapitan sauce was creamy in texture with a rich coconut milk aftertaste.

Shrimp Sambal Petai – RM35.80

I’ve got to admit that sambal, prawn and petai are meant to be together! Every bite of this dish was bursting with flavors. You’d get that nice nutty crunch of petai, really fresh  prawns and sambal with just the right amount of heat. I’d highly recommended having this dish!

Eggplant Fried Egg – RM12.80

Be sure to standby plenty of rice when you’re having these eggplants generously smothered with sambal! This was so addicting I could almost have this all by myself.

Fatty Flesh – RM12.80

Let’s be frank, almost anything ‘masak lemak’ will taste good.😂 The fern shoots were cooked till nice and soft while the gravy wasn’t too heavy and has wonderful aromas of the coconut milk.

North Tail Soup – RM28.80

The soup was simply earthy, meaty, warm and comforting with the amazing bursting flavors from varietal of local spices. This is a definite MUST-ORDER soup when you’re dining here.

Corn Rice – RM3.80

Instead of having plain rice, you’d get a wonderful touch of sweetness and juicy crunch as you enjoy it with some dishes.

Mi Kari Udang – RM15.80

The curry was so compelling! You’d catching yourself devouring into this humble bowl of noodles in no time. Look at the size of that prawn!

My Soto – RM13.80

Mee soto ayam is one my favourite dishes. Clear flavorsome chicken broth with rice cakes served with unselfish amount of shredded chicken. Perfect dish to have on a cold rainy day.

Sago Gula Melaka – RM6.80

This chilled dessert is so refreshing and comforting at the same time after a spicy meal. It was just at the right soft but chewy texture and perfect balance of sweetness from the gula melaka.

Cendol Taste North – RM7.80

The cendol was a missed, we had to request for more gula melaka to get back its consistency. I’d personally prefer having the Sago Gula Melaka though.😅

Rasa Utara positions itself as a place for families and friends to get together, whilst also being an avenue for the professional crowd, it hopes that its contemporary setting, complemented with authentic, heart-warming food, will prove to be a draw for those seeking a genuine experience of the North.

Rasa Utara – Berjaya Times Square
Lot G-12 & G-13, Ground Floor, Berjaya Times Square,
No. 1, Jalan Imbi, 55100, Kuala Lumpur.
Opening Hours: 7:30 AM – 11:00 PM daily
Contact:+60 3 – 2110 0884


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Mokka Cafe at The Link 2, Bukit Jalil





Mokka, who just set foot in Bukit Jalil is a newly start up cafe founded by a few kind and humble souls who cares upmost on serving great food and coffee.

This cafe is a family and kids-friendly community cafe that offers scrumptious local delicacies bridging greatness from the East and West, comes with affordable pricing, genuine and consistent quality.

Today we’re lucky to give you guys a quick sneak peak on what’s on their menu before their opening tomorrow!😁

As Warm As Toast (v) – (RM16)

As we wanted something lighter to begin with, the sautéed mushrooms were flavorful and beautifully brown on the outside, moist and juicy on the inside. Amazing deep flavors that wasn’t too overpowering with some thinly spread of cream cheese on the sliced baguette was simply refreshing.

Golder After-Eggs – (RM22)

I personally would strongly recommend this dish as they’ve put generous amount of aromatic curry leaves to complement their handmade salted egg yolk sauce they’ve made from scratch. You get nice grainy bits of salted egg yolk as you chomp on the juicy piece of chicken chop. One bite is enough to make you crave for more!

Big Kahuna [Mokka’s Homemade Nasi Lemak] – (RM18)
There’s an option of choosing Spiced Chicken Rendang or Crispy Fried Chicken to go with your nasi lemak. Sorry there’s no Crispy Chicken Rendang here, Chef Gregg Wallace!🤷 Though I find the rendang paste a little brackish, its really tasty and paired beautifully with the rice with lovely hints of pandan. I got to love the deep-fried hard boiled egg and ‘acar’ too.😄

You can’t go wrong with these! [Mokka’s Homemade Chicken Wings] – (RM 12)
Definitely can’t go wrong with chicken wings! Light and crisp texture, barely greasy with juicy interior. There’s need not of any dips because its already mouth-watering just having it by its own. Ain’t no thang like a chicken wing.

Local Sweet Potato Balls -(RM6/3 pieces)

I’ve got the admit the chefs did an excellent job in deep-frying their food without leaving a greasy-aftertastes. These simple yet humble snacks are loved by many for its crispy exterior with soft and fluffy interior.

Mokka’s Signature – (RM14)

You’ve got to order this while you’re there! It wasn’t too sweet as there was a perfect balance of cocoa, espresso and milk topped with thick milk foam and carefully drizzled with honey then brûlée.

Enjoy with a kick start your journey with Mokka, though it may be a small and cozy cafe, who knows they may be on a stepping stone to be the next best community cafe!

Mokka Cafe
Address: C-2-G Jalil Link 2, No. 5 Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Opening Hours: 8:30AM – 10PM daily
Contact: +60 3-2770 9703
Instagram: _mokkacafe_

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KL Tower International Towerthon Challenge 2018 – “Road To Glory”

Are you up for a challenge to race as one of the great conquerors of KL Tower?

The most awaited extreme event, the 17th ‘KL Tower International Towerthon Challenge’ is back on the 19th August 2018, from 5:30AM onwards. This annual event will be held with the objectives of providing opportunities for participants who want to test their level of physical and mental endurance to challenge themselves by conquering the top of KL Tower. How exciting is that?🤩

Launching Gimmick during the Press Conference

KL Tower International Towerthon Challenge is one of their signature sporting events for Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia as a whole. It also coincides with KL Tower’s aspiration to promote KL Tower as the must visit destination for Culture, Adventure and Nature activities.

The challenge starts from KL Tower Open Parking area, where the participants need to run 800 meters uphill to the tower’s lobby. From then on they’ll have to climb 2058 steps up to Megaview Banquet Hall located 288 meters above ground level.


The event is opened to all Malaysians & foreigners however there’s a limit of 3000 participants only. There will be 6 categories of Men Open (18 – 39 years) , Men Veteran (40 years and above), Women Open (18 – 39 years), Women Veteran (40 years and above), Boys Junior (13 – 17 years) and Girls Junior (13 – 17 years).

Participants will stand a chance to win the overall cash prizes worth RM42000! The highest ranked Malaysian in the Men Open & Women Open category will entitled for RM2000 eachNo kidding. 

Sponsorship for KL Tower International Towerthon Challenge 2018

What makes it even more rewarding? Participants will also walk away with tons of freebies and goodies from Jasmine, Yakult, 100 Plus, 3Horses, MOMA & Nature Valley!


Other than that, participants will also enjoy a special rate at OASIA Hotel located just an adjacent to KL Tower. Psst! There will also be UNIFI promo counter over there you could check it out!


Throughout the event there will be performances of busking and exceptional breakfast to be prepared by some stalls. The Fire & Rescue Department (BOMBA) of Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, who’s the strongest supporter for KL Tower International Towerthon Challenge 2018 will be conducting additional special activities such as flying fox, hottest bodybuilders show, safety awareness showcase and many more! Hubba hubba.

There’s still some available slots left, hurry up and register by clicking here!
You may also visit and like their Facebook event page over here!

Are you game?💪


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ViolaflowerCafe at Bukit Jalil

Food ○ Coffee ○ Tea ○ Dessert

As thrilled as I am to have Pavilion Bukit Jalil to be up, barely a month old Violaflower Cafe, serving Yōshoku (Western-styled Japanese cuisine) marks its spot just across the building site. You’ll be greeted with the flowery and cozy ambiance upon stepping out from the elevator.



The floor-to-ceiling window brings in great amount of natural lighting into the cafe making it the next insta-worthy spot in this area. Settings are simply engaging, perfect date spot for the ladies and couples.

Gyu Kimchi Salada – (RM 22.80)

The sirloin strip makes it an ideal for a quick and healthy lunch, such as this warm salad. Got to love the decent amount of heat from the kimchi as well, so flavorful and simply delicious.

Note: Sirloin strip could be replaced with chicken if it does not meet your dietary restrictions!

Okonomiyaki Omelette – (RM 23.80)

I’d highly recommend this for brunch. The okonomiyaki-styled egg beautifully topped with bonito flakes were fluffy and delish. Pumpkin korokke was something refreshing instead of using potatoes and the chicken skewers were pretty flavorful.

Tori Mentai Pizza – (RM 20.80)

This has to be one of my favorite dish! You got to have this piping hot when its served right away before the crust turns soggy from all the sweet amount of toppings. 
Trust me, you’ll be hooked.👅

Salmon Mentai Miso Pasta – (RM 22.80)

Salmon was cooked to perfection, the pasta was good and cream sauce was rather interesting as there was a slight twist to it by adding some mentaiko sauce and miso paste in it.

Tilapia Teriyaki Pasta – (RM 22.80)

I’ve got the admit the chef knows how to work its way with both salmon and tilapia. Lol,  it looked like chicken at first sight though! Not a huge fan of tilapia because it often has that earthy (‘muddy taste’) flavors that turns me off but this tilapia fillet barely has a hint of earthiness making it so enjoyable. I’d recommend this pasta dish in their menu.  


Kichitori Rice Bowl – (RM 18.80)

Who wouldn’t love rice bowls? Because I flippin’ do! It was really hearty and chicken was amazingly cooked. 100% a mouthful of comfort.😊😊


Tokusei Curry Rice topped with Omu Egg – (RM 18.80)

Grab your knife and slice through the top of the omelette from one end to the other, one of the trending food porn dishes are available right here! This will definitely satisfy your cravings. I’m obsessed with their curry.🍛 

Teba Karaage (RM 15.80 / 3 pieces)

Crispy, succulent golden brown chicken wings! There’s two flavors to choose from: Niniku Garlic or Korean Spicy. You’ve got to go for both flavors for just an additional RM 1 

NOTE: If you’re not sure what to order from their menu, SURPRISE YOURSELF! You know how us girls can never give a specific answer when it comes to “What to eat?”🙄, get a dice from their service crew and let it roll to the number. Please don’t tell them you don’t like that number and choose to roll again, just let the professionals do their job.🤦

Poppukon Latte – (RM 14.80)

Instead of having your regular latte, why not dazzle it with some caramel-drizzled popcorn? Don’t leave your popcorn hanging for too long to avoid eating them soggy.

Americano – (RM 9.80)

Got to give props to the owner of this cafe for putting details into it. Would to return a smile to that adorable hedgehog?

Miss Pink – (RM 17.80)

If you’re not a caffeine person, you should totally go for this drink!

My first thought on it, it’s going to be ridiculously sweet from the amount of strawberry syrup at the bottom of the bottle but after shaking it all evenly, it tasted really refreshing.

You get that nice tanginess from the yogurt and sweetness from the strawberry.

Would totally recommend ordering this to go for.


While I was there, I’ve got to take an insta-worthy shot as well. Loving the garden-like backdrop!

Address: H-1, 03, Persiaran Jalil 1, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.
Business Hours: 11 AM – 9:30 PM daily (Closed on Tuesdays)
+60 3-2733 5718
Facebook: ViolaflowerCafe


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Warisan Kampung Dishes Take Centerstage On The Buffet at Nook, Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral


This Ramadan, Nook will be offering an enhanced spread of  ‘Gerai-Gerai’ themed traditional Ramadan favorites at its live action stations in addition to its buffet spread of local and international cuisines for diners to break their fast at the end of the day.


Nook’s Ramadan menu is a collaborative creation by the newly appointed Executive Chef, Arfizan Abdul Rahim along with their outstanding culinary team. There’s going to be up to 150 dishes to be served on a rotational basis this year!

Kambing Golek Berempah Kuzi

The whole lamb has been marinated overnight then carefully and slowly roasted for hours in the oven. Aromatic, tender and moist meat to be paired with Nasi Minyak Jagung.


Bubur Lambuk Beratur

They’ll also be featuring the all-time favorites such as Nasi Ayam & Itik. Warung Satay, the must-have porridge dish at any Ramadan feast, the Bubur Lambuk Beratur.

The chicken tasted really homely you wouldn’t believe how delicious and satisfying this dish was.

Roasted Duck was absolutely flavorful and moist. What I love about the duck was the fact that the skin was barely chewy and simply delicious.

Their satays has always been my favorite in their buffets. They’ve marinated the both chicken and beef thoroughly it gets really addicting after a few skewers. Grab the chicken satays first because it runs out real quick!🤭🤭

As you know Bubur Lambuk is a quintessential porridge meal especially during the month of Ramadan that makes it such a hearty meal. I was hooked with it and the condiments make it even better. Salted egg is life.


Not to mention their special drinks stall with local favorites, there’s going to be Air Bandung, Calamansi, Teh Tarik, Nescafe Tarik, Kopi Hang Tuah, Sugar Cane Juice, Date Juice and more.


The Slow Braised Beef Rendang, Nook’s Signature for every Ramadan, will be taking center stage at the Carving Station on the buffet line. Slow cooked for over 7 hours and seasoned generously with traditional Asian spices of salt, pepper, cinnamon and star anise.

Diners will be in for a succulent treat with this specially prepared rendang dish which will be available daily on the buffet spread for Ramadan. Definitely won’t be crispy.

Tauhu Sumbat

Can’t get enough of all these local favorite dishes. You’ve definitely got to try their Tauhu Sumbat and Gado-Gado! Drizzle the tofu with a guilty amount of peanut sauce and you’ll be hooked on this. Same goes with the Gado-Gado, nothing better than having a bowl of fresh vegetables with copious amounts of peanut sauce.



Got to love the live station for the Murtabak & Roti Canai. Crispy roti with delicious curry infused meat stuffing. Scrumptious!

Ending the meal with some delectable dessert dishes with some Malaysian favorites is a must.







Their Ais Batu Campur Station is the best part of their dessert counter!

Nook will still be serving other cuisines and dishes from their regular buffet rotations. Here’s a few dishes and desserts that most of their guest’s crave for!

Sze Chuan Style Bean Curd with Minced Chicken
Noodle Station
Smoked Barbecue Chicken Wings
Pandan Creme Caramel
Berries Brownie Trifle
Marble Cheesecake
Water Chestnut Jelly with Strawberry Pearls

The Ramadan Early Bird vourchers for Joms Buka @ Nook will be available for sale from 1st of April till 15th of May 2018. Vouchers are priced at RM 100 nett per voucher for purchases of 1 – 35 vouchers and RM 90 nett per voucher for purchases of 36 vouchers and more. The voucher validity is only for the Ramadan period from 16th of May to 14th of June 2018. Diners are encouraged to call ahead for reservations prior to dining at Nook.

Credit card promotions for the Joms Buka @ Nook are also available during the Ramadan period. Diners can enjoy a 20% discount with Maybank, CIMB, Citibank & HSBC Credit Cards up to a maximum of 10 persons only.

For reservations and to know more about these offers, please call +(60) 3 – 2723 1188 or click here for more dining offers!

Aloft Kuala Lumpur Sentral
Address: No. 5 Jalan Stesen Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Contact: 03-2723 1188


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An Entertaining Lunch Hosted by Dee at Kuala Lumpur Tower

If you’ve not read my previous post about this luncheon, click here for the full details.

Their luncheon was indeed impressive from its ambiance to the food. Welcome drinks and canapes were served around the ballroom before everyone was to be seated.


A RM3000 cheque presented by Atmosphere 360 to be donated to Rumah Kebajikan Nur Hati.


Dee’s special appearance as Cik Timah created a lively ambiance during lunch service was indeed entertaining as promised. The outfits were amazing, LOVE the dress in this photo.


Dayang & the Sky Band performing all-time favorite local songs as we were having our lunch.

Here’s the 4-course meal we had:


Caesar Salad served with Cajun Chicken & Oyster Tomato Shooter

A nice starter to begin with, I really enjoyed the chicken as it was quite flavorful while the oyster shooter was almost like having a Bloody Mary with a tingling sensation with a slight heat to it on the aftertaste.


Bird’s Nest in Pumpkin Soup

Soup was served piping hot with a more lighter and watery texture to it however it was nutritiously delicious. Really did enjoyed the bits of bird’s nest from every spoonful I had.

Main Course:

Chicken Supreme served with Creamy Mushroom Duxelles and Chinese Vegetables & Grilled King Prawn served with Apple Rendang and Green Curry

This entree was the star in the menu, it was so hearty and comforting though it may have been a little cold. The prawns were beautifully paired with the Apple Rendang and Green Curry. Got to admit the Apple Rendang may sound a little odd but it tasted spectacular. Chicken was so moist and juicy, love how it goes well with the mashed purple sweet potatoes.


Durian Pancake & Chocolate Brownies served with Seasonal Fruits

Most of us were also swooned by the Durian Pancake, first bite and you get that instant oomph from the durian flesh. It was amiss to those who weren’t too fond with durian but at least there’s still a delectable piece of Chocolate Brownies to go for.



Thank you for the invitation, John and Dee for being a wonderful and lively host throughout the lunch. xx

If you’d like to know what are their upcoming events, click here!

Kuala Lumpur Tower
Address: 2, Jalan Puncak, Kuala Lumpur, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Contact: +60 3-2020 5444
Facebook: Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower Official)


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Eat As Much As You Can at Luce Osteria Contemporanea, Lorong Raja Chulan

Luce Osteria Contemporanea is an Italian pizzeria that offers 60 over types of pizzas!🍕

Its located at the burgeoning culinary hub of Old Malaya, Luce Osteria Contemporanea specializes in making authentic Italian pizzas using imported pizza wood-fire oven.

We’re here for their ‘Eat As Much As You Can‘ which was an all-day event on the 14th March 2018 for only RM60++ per person. They’ve got 7 types of pizzas that night and one dessert.

Each person got to have 2 slices per pizza.🤔 Here’s what made it seems odd, one of our diner was too full to go on for the next pizza, the waiter told us its either all of us wouldn’t be given or they’d just have to keep stacking that diner’s plate with pizzas.
Oooh wastage, that does not sounds right.

Arlecchino – Mozzarella Cheese, Lamb Loin Carpaccio, Spinach, Cherry Tomatoes & Shaved Pecorino Romano

This was something nice to begin with as it was light one to start with. Love the generous amount of Pecorino Romano shavings they’ve topped on. Sweet dreams are made of cheese.

Anturio – Porcini Cream, Mozzarella Cheese, Taleggio Cheese & Arugula Salad

Arugula is not loved by many but cheese really does has a way on making everything better. I really enjoyed the mild and tangy flavors from the taleggio as well.

Bocca Di Leone – Sweet Potatoes Cream, Mozzarella Cheese, Red Radicchio & Porchetta

I’ve never had pizzas with sweet potato cream on it which really does give a nice refreshing twist to it.

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Oh Sole Mio – Sun Shaped Pizza with Mozzarella Cheese, Tomato Sauce, Smoked Salmon & Mascarpone Cheese

This has to be my favorite among the 7 pizzas because I’m a huge fan of salmon and with cheese, assolutamente!

Kelvin – Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Zucchini, Smoked Speck & Gorgonzola

A simple one but topping it with some Smoked Speck brings it to a whole different level.

Spartana – Mozzarella Cheese, Green Asparagus, Pork Sausage & Tomato Cube

This was actually delicious but the asparagus was a turn off because of its fiber. However, the pork sausage was simply delectable.

Italiana – Tomato Sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, Sun-dried Tomato, Black Olives & Spicy Salami

Ended our last round of pizza with a classic Italian pizza.

Lemon Sorbet served with Sweet Cookie

After 7 pizzas, we were satiate from all the cheese and dough. The lemon sorbet work its magic as a palate cleanser and being simply freshening. We wanted to get a second round of this but unfortunately we’d have to pay for RM8 per scoop as this wasn’t part of the ‘All You Can Eat’.🤷

Overall it was a pleasant dining experience as the pizzas were remarkable but it would’ve been a much better experience if the service wasn’t so substandard.

Luce Osteria Contemporanea
Address: 10, Lorong Raja Chulan, Kuala Lumpur, 50250 Kuala Lumpur
Opening Hours: Mondays (5PM – 1AM) , Tuesdays to Sundays (12PM – 1AM)
Contact: +60 3-2078 8008
Facebook: Luce Osteria Contemporanea


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Mix & Match Set Lunch at Sushi Zento 膳户 Japanese Restaurant



The struggle when stepping into a restaurant and you can’t decide which dish to go for especially when you’re on a tight budget with only one stomach.😰

Sushi Zento is back with their Mix & Match set lunch where you can pick any 2 dishes as per the menu above! If you’re only craving for that one dish, make it double!✌
It’s only available on weekdays excluding public holidays and strictly for dine-ins only.

  • RM 17.90++ : 11:30 AM – 12:59 PM (Early Bird Promo)
  • RM 19.90++ : 1 PM – 2:15 PM


Portion wise is pretty decent, not too heavy nor little.
Some dishes may be a little small but at least you’ll get the best of both.😛
Anyways, here’s a quick peek on some of the dishes from their menu!

EB02 – Saba Steak (Mackerel Steak)
EB03 – Tori Drumette Karaage (Deep Fried Chicken Drumette)
EB04 – Salmon Teriyaki (Grilled Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce)
EB05 – Saba Shioyaki (Grilled Mackerel with Salt)
EB06 – Hotate To Kinoko Butter Itame (Stir-fried Scallop & Assorted Mushroom with Butter)
EB11 – Wakadori Karaage (Deep-fried Marinated Chicken)
EB12 – Buta Kakuni (Stewed Pork Belly)
EB13 – Ebi Teppan (Pan-fried Prawn with Garlic Butter Sauce)
EB16 – Pork Katsu (Deep-fried Pork Cutlet)

Personally I’d recommend these few dishes; the Buta Kakuni (Stewed Pork Belly) was ridiculously flavorful also has a perfectly balanced sweet and savory flavor to it. Not so Japanese, but it doesn’t matter!😂 Most importantly its super soft in texture. The Pork Katsu (Deep-fried Pork Cutlet) was crispy and golden brown outside, tender and juicy within. Ebi Teppan (Pan-fried Prawn with Garlic Butter Sauce) will definitely be loved by ones who enjoy garlicky dishes. Their Salmon Teriyaki (Grilled Salmon with Teriyaki Sauce) and Wakadori Karaage (Deep-fried Marinated Chicken) aren’t too bad as well, that’s if you don’t mind the portion.

You should consider bringing your friends, family and even your colleagues over here for lunch! To spill the beans, there might be a really special promo happening on their restaurant’s anniversary and you wouldn’t want to miss it!🤫

Kindly contact the following participating outlet addresses listed below for further enquiries:

Sushi Zento [Sri Petaling, KUALA LUMPUR]
Address: Unit 2, Jalan Radin Bagus 8,
Bandar Baru Seri Petaling.
57000 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
Telephone: 03-9054 3888
Fax: 03-9054 7788
Email: sushizentokl@yahoo.com

Sushi Zento [Sunway Giza Kota Damansara PJ, SELANGOR]
Address: Unit C-2-G, Sunway Giza Mall,
Jalan 5/14, Kota Damansara,
47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Telephone: 03-6158 9961
Fax: 03-6158 9962
Email: sushizentosunwaygizapj@gmail.com

Sushi Zento [Puchong Jaya, SELANGOR]
Address: Unit 8, 9 & 10-G, Jalan Kenari 19A,
Bandar Puchong Jaya,
47000, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Telephone: 012-722 2986
Fax: 03-80802452
Email: sushizentopuchongjaya@gmail.com

Sushi Zento [Mount Austin JB, JOHOR]
Address: Unit 1, 3 & 5,
Jalan Austin Height 8/4,
Taman Mount Austin,
81000 Johor Bahru, Johor. Malaysia.
Telephone: 07-3630 061
Email: sushizentojohor@yahoo.com


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